Parenting Goals According to your Ascendant

♈︎: You grew up fighting to be who you are to others. Fighting for your own authenticity has made you rough on the edges. For your children, you want them to be able to be who they are without strife. You want your children to never forget who they are, and to value themselves.

♉︎: You grew up stabilizing the world. However, you felt that you watched the world move on its own, with no sense of control. You want to give your children skills of efficiency, organization, and to never feel helpless to the world's unpredictability.

♊︎: You grew up trying to rationalize the world. However, you realized that logic does not replace social intuition. For your children, you want them to be socially skilled, and to learn justice. You want your children to initiate peace and apply their knowledge for good.

♋︎: You grew up trying to be safe. However, in your quest to find familiarity, you wished that you were braver. For your children, you want them to be strong and courageous enough to see the world deeply, and to delve into the unknown with open eyes.

♌︎: You grew up trying to be yourself. However, you've felt the pressure to perform rather than just simply be. For your children, you want to teach them that true authenticity comes from being able to explore yourself and that there's more to your life than just yourself.

♍︎: You grew up trying to get through reality efficiently. However, adaptability gets tiring, especially when you lack power and leverage. For your children, you want to teach them responsibility and maturity so that they are thoroughly prepared for the harsh world.

♎︎: You grew up trying to please others and to establish peace. However, initiating peace by yourself was tiring. For your children, you want to teach them how to not care about what other people think and to not feel pressured to fit in the norm.

♏︎: You grew up trying to preserve your power. However, being overly watchful has made you struggle to feel at ease. For your children, you want them to be radically understanding and compassionate. Understanding the unknown is the antidote to preservative fear.

♏︎: You grew up trying to preserve your power. However, being overly watchful has made you struggle to feel at ease. For your children, you want them to be radically understanding and compassionate. Understanding the unknown is the antidote to preservative fear.

♑︎: You grew up trying to be successful and respected. However, you've learned that such traits aren't always fulfilling and reassuring. For your children, you want them to value themselves, and to feel like they don't need to prove themselves to be respected.

♒︎: You grew up trying to not conform to your surroundings. However, you've learned that meaningful conversations can solidify the meaningfulness you are looking for. For your children, you want them to master communicating with others and to learn how to speak up.

♓︎: You grew up trying to radically understand the world. However, you wished you connected more to yourself. For your children, you want them to create a strong connection within themselves so that they can feel comfortable and safe no matter where they go.
